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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Migration to Oracle Partitioned Table with very large table


ORA-01655: unable to extend cluster SYS.C_FILE#_BLOCK# by 128 in tablespace

I encountered the above error while creating the partitioned tables. In my partitioned table I was creating LOCAL indexes which is actually using the SYSTEM tablespace. So even though I had enough free space on my schema tablespace but eventually it took up the entire SYSTEM tablespace and threw that error.

I tried with partition names and tablespace names mentioned explicitly in the index creation script but still getting the same error. Interesting thing is that in the DBA_IND_PARTITIONS view it shows that the indexes are created inside the expected tablespace but in practical, that's not true. But the GLOBAL indexes works with no issue i.e. taking the default tablespace. I went with GLOBL option as I don't see any advantages with LOCAL index as my system is a OLTP system.

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